Saturday Open Water Swim
Free Weekly Ocean Swim
We welcome everyone who wants to get more comfortable swimming in the ocean.
Prepare for open water swimming, races, triathlons, or just for fun!
Participants must be able to swim on their own in deep water for up to 60 minutes.
Meet every Saturday at 9:00 am at Shelly Bay Beach.
The water depth is super shallow and offers a gradual, sandy beach decline to deeper water options. You can always see the bottom at Shelly Bay.
We may change the location for variety or due to inclement weather/wind.
Each swimmer is responsible for swimming with the group or with at least one other person. Always swim with a buddy.
A fun, supportive, all-inclusive swimming community of swimming enthusiasts.
All swimmers must wear a bright-colored swimming cap.
A swim buoy is optional and highly recommended (for rest if needed and so boats and other people can see you in the water).
Swimmers must register online and sign the liability waiver before they come to their first swim.